Seeing Through a Window

August 29th - September 30th, 2024
Easthaus | Portland, ME | Reception: TBD

Jenna Girolamo & Trevor Toney

Easthaus is proud to present their inceptive exhibition, Seeing Through a Window, a duo show bringing together the work of artists Jenna Girolamo and Trevor Toney. The pairing of these two artists seek to define all of the hidden possibilities that are to be found in a new understanding of perspective. In Seeing Through a Window, Girolamo and Toney’s work disrupts perspectives' contemporary irrelevance, showing us a nature that illuminates much warmer and more prosperous meanings. Paintings presented in this exhibition are windows; windows to both interior spaces and exterior landscapes, the two manifesting as abstracted perceptions that have been completed by the artists’ desire for balance and unity. Girolamo and Toney have broken open the window of perspective in search of perceptions finding that metaphorical rendering of space have become the markers of truth, replacing a perspective reliant, solely, on geometric reason.